Ministerial Education
Discover the benefits of a Ministerial Education degree from bte365官网地址 and what it takes to graduate.
$275 per credit hour
Accredited by HLC & ABHE
Can be done entirely online
Classes can transfer
ministerial education
Associates of Applied Science (AAS) – 2 year degree
Bachelor of Arts (BA) – 4 year degree
Master of Arts (MA) – 2 year graduate degree
- Campus degree
- Online degree
Contact Our Office
- Email – [email protected]
- Call – (513) 763-6565
- Text – (513) 402-chat (2428)
Why choose Ministerial Education at bte365官网地址?
Start your college career off with a solid foundation of Bible and theology courses designed to push your and help you on your journey.
Graduates went off to be a
- senior pastor
- associate pastor
- youth pastor
- director of inner-city missions
- graduate student
- church leader
- evangelist
- Bible translator
AAS Ministerial Education
Associates of Applied Science (AAS) – 2 year degree
- Campus degree
- Online degree
Why choose Ministerial Education at bte365官网地址?
The AAS degree in Ministerial Education is ideal for students who are unsure of their calling to preach.
The AAS degree will give you the 9-hour preaching sequence which prepares you to enter the BA in Ministerial Education.
AAS Requirements
- See catalog for more information
Standard Completion Time
2 years
Minimum Program Credits
68 credits
- General Education: 19 – 25
- Bible & Theology: 15 (14 included below)
- Biblical Studies: 14
- Theology: 17
- Ministerial Education: 11
Sample Classes
- Principles of the Christian Life
- Doctrine of Holiness
- Discipleship & Small Groups
BA Ministerial Education
Bachelor of Arts (BA) – 4 year degree
- Campus degree
- Online degree
Why choose Ministerial Education at bte365官网地址?
The BA degree gives you many tracks to choose from:
- Pastoral Counseling
- Youth Ministry
- Pastoral Ministry
- Urban Ministry
- Christian Leadership
- World Missions
- Music Ministry
- Christian Education
All BA track options will introduce you to research methodologies unique to the disciplines of biblical studies, systematic theology, church history, and pastoral theology.
BA Requirements
- See catalog for more information
Standard Completion Time
4 years
Minimum Program Credits
120 credits
- General Education: 36 – 42
- Bible & Theology: 30 (all 30 included below)
- Biblical Studies: 23
- Theology: 27
- Ministerial Education: 10
- Biblical Languages: 12
- Church History: 5
- Preaching: 11
- Internship: 3
- Track dependent: 8 – 9
Sample Classes
- Principles of the Christian Life
- Doctrine of Holiness
- Discipleship & Small Groups
w/Youth Ministry track
- Current Youth Issues
- Adolescent Psychology
w/Pastoral Counseling track
- Problems in Counseling
- Marriage & Family Counseling
Other tracks
- Pastoral Ministry
- Urban Ministry
- Christian Leadership
- World Missions
- Music Ministry
- Christian Education
MA Ministry
Master of Arts (MA) – 2 year graduate degree
- Online degree
Why choose Ministry at bte365官网地址?
The MA in Ministry is designed for those with Bible college undergraduate degrees who would like graduate-level theological and practical ministry training. Read more about this degree.
With a core of 18 hours and 18 hours of electives, the degree will be crafted to target the ministry field in which the student is currently serving or planning to serve. Language proficiency in Greek and Hebrew is not required.
MA Requirements
- See catalog for more information
Standard Completion Time
2 years
Minimum Program Credits
36 credits
- Core: 18
- Electives: 18
Sample Classes
- New Testament Theology
- Biblical Theology of Holiness
- Integration of Christian Faith and Counseling Theory
- Apologetics and Cultural Engagement
Shepherds Global Classroom Certificate
Why choose a Certificate at bte365官网地址?
Our Certificate’s notable features are listed below.
- Low cost to serve pastors and other church leaders around the world (not eligible for federal or state financial aid)
- Also available, depending on course offerings, for US students who desire training for ministry involvement without earning a degree
- Uses the Shepherds Global Classroom (SGC) ( curriculum already in use around the world
- Classes offered in various languages (e.g., English, Russian, Simplified and Traditional Mandarin, Tagalog, Spanish, French, etc. — offerings vary by semester)
- Delivered via Google Classroom, a free learning environment
- Taught by adjuncts engaged or experienced in educational ministry
- Includes 20 1-credit courses
Learning Outcomes
- Knowledge of the Bible
- Knowledge of core orthodox Christian doctrine
- Knowledge and application of Biblical leadership in the church, including in worship
- Knowledge and application of key principles for spiritual formation
Admission is limited each semester by available courses and language, with courses having a maximum enrollment.
Online Certificate
Our Christian Ministry Certificate is designed for leaders in the local and global church. It provides the ministry skills and biblical knowledge needed to be more effective ministers in God’s kingdom. The classes are taught by credentialed ministry practitioners who can contextualize the training to specific contexts. Students can use credits earned in the certificate toward an associate or bachelor degree at bte365官网地址.
Certificate Requirements
- See catalog for more information
Standard Completion Time
2 years
Minimum Program Credits
20 credits
- Core: 18
- Electives: 18
Sample Classes
- Exploring the Old Testament
- Exploring the New Testament
- Principles of Biblical Interpretation
- Life and Ministry of Jesus
- Romans
- Christian Beliefs
- Doctrine and Practice of the Holy Life
- Doctrine and Practice of the Church
- Eschatology
- World Religions and Cults
- Ministry Leadership
- Spiritual Formation
- Introduction to Christian Worship
- Principles of Communication
- Christian Counseling
- Biblical Evangelism and Discipleship
- Apologetics
- Survey of Church History 1
- Survey of Church History 2
- Practical Christian Living
Contact Our Office
- Email – [email protected]
- Call – (513) 763-6565
- Text – (513) 402-chat (2428)
We are accredited by both the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and the Association of Biblical Higher Education (ABHE). See why having both matters.