
Christian Ministry

Discover the benefits of a Christian Ministry degree from bte365官网地址 and what it takes to graduate.


$275 per credit hour


Accredited by HLC & ABHE


Can be done entirely online


Classes can transfer

Christian Ministry


Bachelor of Arts (BA) – 4 year degree

Why choose Christian Ministry at bte365官网地址?

  • Campus degree
  • Online degree

The BA degree in Christian Ministry teaches the skills needed for practical ministry functions such as personal evangelism, the conduct of discipleship groups, and teaching biblical doctrine.

These students will have an understanding of the essential doctrines of classical Christian theology, as well as our unique Wesleyan emphases.

Eligible students: students with significant amounts of transfer credit seeking a BA in Bible/theology/Christian ministry; admission is restricted to transfer students unless special permission is given by the division.

Graduates went off to be a

  • Bible teacher
  • missionary
  • pastoral counselor

Sample Classes

  • Bible Study Methods
  • Doctrine of Holiness
  • Spiritual Formation and Soul Winning
  • Fundamentals of Biblical Communication

BA Requirements

Standard Completion Time

4 years

Minimum Program Credits

120 credits

  • General Education: 43
  • Biblical Studies: 13
  • Theology: 18
  • Ministry Skills: 6
  • Elective Hours to reach 120 total earned credits.

Contact Our Office


We are accredited by both the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and the Association of Biblical Higher Education (ABHE). See why having both matters.
